Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Misanthropy Pure

This is the song “Misanthropy Pure” by the band Shai Hulud. The song is about how negative emotions can be channeled into progression and progress by a strong mind. Intolerance and violence are often said to be best countered by patience and understanding, but the song explains how sometimes the way of the pacifist isn’t always correct in combating the injustices of today’s world. The band takes it even one step further and say that not only is it possible to channel “hope within hatred” but it is a “birthright and obligation”. The excerpt I chose from the song explains their ideas most clearly; the negative emotions people associate with injustice can be turned towards progression and peace. Emotions are not inherently good or bad, a fact people often overlook, and the song advocates that if you use a powerful ‘negative’ emotion towards hope and peace, it can often be more productive than a ‘positive’ one. As the song progresses, the lyrics go on to say that hatred and contempt are often misused at the hands of the weak and thus rendered useless, if not hampering, towards the positive goals of humanity. The “spiteful and ill-tempered” should not be accepted into the lives of the truly strong of heart and mind. The song advocates an almost vicious negligence of the prideful and belligerent, saying that they should be denied their inheritance to the planet.
In spite of the misanthropic view on life that the song portrays, I agree with their message. No rest should be given to the spineless cowards who abuse their negative emotions and fail to see that hatred and contempt can be just as strong and positive as love and acceptance. When is a country more united than when they have a common enemy? For example, after the tragedy of September 11, the country was united in an almost fervent desire to see justice upheld and have the terrorists brought to justice. Hatred can be a positive tool to see a goal through to its end and can further progression in a way that no ‘positive’ emotion can. I understand that my views are perhaps “outside of the box”, but I strongly believe that upon introspection of themselves, people can realize and understand that “contempt born of clear perception is a birthright to those who channel it towards progression.” In other words, if your mind is clear and your heart pure, contempt can be a positive driving force.
I chose to design “Misanthropy Pure” in a way that conveys its message of positive hatred through a cold, unfaltering manner. The grey background is devoid of warmth, helping invoke the feeling of an almost stoic passiveness. The opening two lines are arranged so that the key words are distinguished in a way that exhumes their inherent meaning. The 3 lines after are of equal importance, explaining the ways that negative emotions should be used towards progress. The last line is the driving point of the song, tying together the central theme that the use of negative emotions towards progression isn’t just a suggestion. I hope that someone viewing my interpretation of the song will feel the same thing that I do when looking at it; a keen sense that something needs to be done about the attitude of today’s society.

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